
Basic work done by Aahwahan foundation that you need to know

We all belong to a society and we have responsibility for it. We should come forward and contribute towards the growth and development of the nation by supporting the needy and helpless people. Few sections of society are coming forward and working as social workers and working for the betterment of lower sections of society. There are many organizations also who are working for economically backward sections of society. One of them is the Aahwahan Foundation. It was founded in the year 2009 by a group of people who have similar intentions to work for the lower section of society living in poverty and help to eradicate the same. It is continuously working to shape new rural India by socioeconomic growth and improving the well-being of the people. The contributors to this group are increasing day by day and joining hands to do something good for the backward population. Braja Kishore Pradhan, Founder Aahwahan Foundation is the man who pioneers the foundation towards promoting the welfare of the economically backward section of society.

Working field of Foundation:

There are number of ways in which the foundation is changing the shape of rural and backward section of the society. It is engage in various fundraising campaigns for getting support for social causes and community service. It is working continuously to form a new world by influencing people and society. They also do various programs at various rural places to educate them about human rights, education, healthcare, and women empowerment. They also train people related to farming, exploring opportunities in rural areas and generating revenue from rural activities. The various fields in which the Foundation is working are:


Braja Kishore Pradhan- Founder Aahwahan Foundation

Education is the backbone of any country. Well-educated people only contribute to building a new and improved world. Believing the same, the foundation strives to offer education facilities to the rural sections of society. The backward region of India may not have access to good and higher education, so the foundations help in building new schools for children and adults who wish to pursue education. Also with Digital India initiative, students are getting online education with the computer system at the centers established by the foundation. Various other initiatives are taken like education on wheels, free education for the poor, opening of computer centers at schools.


Braja Kishore Pradhan aahwahan foundation

Offering health care facilities to the poor and backward region people has been the initiative of foundation. The foundation is supporting people in getting proper treatment under government schemes. It offers technical assistance, educate people on health related issues and help in organizing funds for treatment. It has also launch health on wheels to reach every corners of rural India for health care and treatment.

Women Empowerment:

Aahwahan Foundation is working for educating and empowering women. It encourages women of the society to be part of community and social activity. Apart from home chores, encourage them to explore the opportunities of employment and remain independent. They also work for discouraging discrimination against women and removing violence.

Environmental Activities:

Braja Kishore Pradhan - Social Activist of Bangalore

Apart from the above activities, the foundation is actively engaged in the protection of the environment and plantation. They understand that nature is an integral part of human life and its protection is a must for future generations. The foundation is committed to the green revolution and has planned to plant more than one crore plants. It is also engaged in cleaning beaches. Protecting beaches from pollution is a must and initiatives should be taken by everyone. The foundation has taken those steps and come forward to clean various beaches. Awareness programs are conducted to make people aware of the importance of protecting natural heritage.

So, be a part of such a Foundation and contribute towards a better world.

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Happy Clients


Regular participation of Braja and his family in charitable events several social work
programs when young put a keen interest in Braja to contribute towards society.


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