BEST SOCIAL ACTIVIST AWARD in Bangalore, India by KIIT Odisha
In the recent duration where brother is brother’s enemy. Being a social activist and working in the interest of the community in itself requires a very big heart. Social work does not only mean providing essential things to the people in need. In extension being a social worker highly symbolizes taking the responsibility for the welfare of the community. It is pure service where the social worker does not gain anything from this work. Rather his possession lies in only giving away to society. He undergoes the loss of his own money, time, and also health at a time. Social Service and value education are the subjects taught right from the time a child is in standard 1st. After the years of experience still find very less people coming forward in the sector of social work. while talking about the social service we cannot skip the work of KIIT Deemed University whose major job is incorporating the path of ART OF GIVING”. A philosophy of life. The program is based on noble work. It was founded by Shri Achyutya Samanta an educationist in the year 2013. It is a humanitarian movement that deals with the spread of happiness, joy, and peace. They have been working on an ample number of programs since its start of it. It is since then that generosity and kindness have come on the front pages to spread awareness about being a giver as many in need of help.
In the same field is the work of very well-known Educationist Dr. Saranjit Singh, Vice-Chancellor of KIIT Deemed University. He has been into generating scholars for the last 25years. He has also presented more than 100 researches in national and international journals. While remembering all the noble work organizations. I would like to describe about the Best NGO Aahwahan Foundation. Founded by the young philanthropist Mr.Braja Kishor Pradhan. Innumerable golden deeds are being done by Aahwahan Foundation under the guidance and will of Mr. Braja Kishore Pradhan. The social work of the Aahwahan foundation includes the programs like Health on Wheels, Grocery for Elders, Education for all, Women Empowerment, free medical camps, distribution of food kits, covid relief camp and many other social work programs have been carried by the foundation.
Like all the works of the Aahwahan Foundation has been recognized worldwide and at a high performance in our country India. Aahwahan Foundation has been serving in the cities of Banglore, orrisa, Delhi, and Karnataka. The recognition impact of the Foundation has led to the merit successes of the social works conducted by the Aahwahan Foundation and under the guidance of Mr. Braja. Recently a milestone came into the life of the Aahwahan Foundation where (Dr.) Saranjit Singh, Vice-Chancellor of KIIT Deemed University felicitated Mr. Braja Kishore Pradhan, CEO, and Founder of Aahwahan Foundation for his great social work initiative in the different segments and for creating a better environment for the society on the ART of the GIVING Day in Bangalore. in the presence of Managing Director & CEO of MANIPAL GROUP and other leaders & social worker.
“It is an honor to be felicitated by such a well-known personality and my heart pounders with proudness for being able to do such noble works. And at the most, I file great gratitude in my heart to be blessed by God and help others.” Says Mr. Braja Kishore Pradhan. The young man has worked day and night in the times of Covid19. During the tough times, he could not see people sleeping on an empty stomach and people sufferings from life and death. He had this strong will to do something for the society he lives in. So under his direction Aahwahan Foundation delivered more than 2,00,000 meals and 10,000 masks and sanitizers to the daily wage workers, Senior citizens, differently-abled, and single parents’ families to support them in the tough times and at least make them have food for a period of time. Around 10 lakh of people benefitted from emergency health care, food kits, and medical facilities during the time of covid under the name of covid19 relief camp.
As in now, times education is the base and also right of each individual in the country. But due to certain circumstances of economically and socially backward people. They cannot afford the education of their children. While it is the right of a child. Taking the hold over conditions Aahwahan Foundation has extended the financial support to many of the local schools by adopting them and letting children have their educational rights. Also ‘Education on Wheels’ was another initiative by the Aahwahan Foundation to reach the core areas of rural villages. “Computer on wheels” was another goal accomplished for the welfare of the underprivileged teenagers and young children in society. Apart from that regular distribution of required educational materials to the schools is also undertaken by the NGO. The trusting factor is that the public happily accepts the help and looks forward to a bright future for India.
Remembering the main sector of our community that is the ‘SHAKTI’ of each house. Our women always deserved a respectable place in society, community, country, and every household. But due to the backward mindset and male dominance somehow the women were suppressed for a long time. Now the times have changed and people have started to value the work of women. They have realized the fact of ‘Gender Equality’ which is another campaign of the Aahwahan Foundation. The best NGO follows the path of righteousness. Hence believing in each individual should live a life of worth and glory. The Gender Equality Awareness campaigns are also successful in preaching the right actions toward each Gender. Other than that Aahwahan Foundation works for Women Empowerment too. In the rural sectors of our country women are still not allowed to come forward. But since in some houses, it becomes a necessity for women to work. In such cases, Aahwahan Foundation gives support to Educating women, building their self-esteem, creating a source of income, and bringing out the best in ladies to live their life stronger.
The next mission of our Noble Man Mr. Braja Kishore Pradhan includes the ‘Care for Elders’. Service to the elders can never go in vain. Conducting free medical camps like free eye checkups, free body checkups, free test conduction, and other medical care camps. Elders and senior citizens have been taking the benefited from these camps. People come from far away places as the camps are undertaken under highly qualified doctors and required medications and tests are been provided to them free of cost. The elders give us the chance of their service giving us the blessings from the bottom of their hearts.
Such beautiful and noble works have been carried out under the guidance of our Main Man Mr.Braja Kishore Pradhan. The CEO of Aahwahan Foundation. And now as we say that “Do good and good comes to you”. It is glorious that the social service of our Aahwahan Foundation is been recognized by such respectable people in the country and the foundation a been honored for its hard work of giving and doing good for the society.
Tanvi trivedi
Effective content writer and communication specialist. A sci-fi writer in leisure.

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